5 Ways to Beat That Creative Slump

You often hear it in the scrapbook world—that sometimes elusive thing called Mr. Mojo has up and disappeared. As creative individuals, dealing with the loss of our mojo and running into our own creative block can be difficult and frustrating. We’ve all encountered moments when the creative juices stop flowing, making it easy to become friends with Mr. Mojo’s enemies: overwhelm and burnout. Here are some ways to keep those pesky feelings at bay and rekindle your friendship with Mr. Mojo!
1. Try Something New
It’s easy to get stuck in our ways. We develop a certain scrapbooking style, and over time, our pages and projects can start to look the same. This can put a strain on our creative friend, Mr. Mojo. To continue growing in our craft, we must allow ourselves to try something new and step out of our comfort zone. Whether it’s experimenting with a new scrap style, technique, or product, it might be just what your mojo needs!
2. Know Yourself
Not only are we all different in our scrapping styles, but also in what keeps us motivated and in a creative frame of mind. Pay attention to yourself and learn when your creative spikes occur. Are you a night owl who thrives when the clock strikes midnight? Or are you an early bird who needs to dig into a project first thing in the morning? Tune into your natural rhythm and discover the perfect time to let your creativity soar.
3. Take a Break
Clearing your mind and stepping away for a bit can be your best friend. Do you find yourself staring at your layout or project with a complete blank? Step away and do something else for a while. Engage in another hobby, tidy up a room (yes, I know—what is this thing called cleaning?!), or simply get out of the house. Give yourself that much-needed break and allow your mind to refresh itself.
4. Play that Funky Music
Music can be a powerful motivator. It can easily transform your attitude from “can’t do” to “can do.” So put on your favorite motivational songs and get that creativity pumping again.
5. Keep a Journal of Ideas
Inspiration can be found in everyday life. Have you come across a magazine layout that would make a great scrapbook page? Seen a layout in a gallery that you love? Been inspired by the colors of your favorite clothing line? There are countless sources of inspiration all around you. Start keeping a journal or idea book to collect things that spark your creativity. When you feel Mr. Mojo slipping away, open your journal and find your way back to inspiration.
Have you encountered a creative slump? What did you do to bounce back?
Great ideas! Creative slumps can be no fun. #3 works best for me. It seems any time I can’t do something creative, the creative urge hits! Go figure!
Thanks! That is SO true about #3! It does seem that creativity can strike you in those non creative moments.
i had a 36 hour GI bug that lasted 36 days {that’ll wipe out your mojo for sure}
as soon as i felt better, i grabbed a few templates and did some challenges, sure got my creative juices going again!
browsing galleries is always great inspiration too!
great post!
thanks for sharing!
deborah 🙂
Great ideas Deborah! Templates and challenges are another fabulous way to get those juices flowing again!
Great tips Becca! I find music helps me, too – but I can’t have it on my headphones. For some strange reason, it works better coming from the stereo, like surround sound. Go figure. When I last really lost my mojo, I blogged about it – I told Mr. Mojo (LOL, funny, I made it male, too) that I had no idea why he left, but he’s better not do it again once he returned. I wrote the blog post like I was chastising a child for being naughty and running away. ROFL Strange things go on inside my head, I gotta say. However, in the end, it was quite cathartic, in a way.
I think that is brilliant about the blog post, Kat! What a way to take Mr. Mojo on head on! Sometimes we do just have to confront the issue and take back control. 🙂
Great ideas!! I really like participating in challenges to get my mojo flowing again. They get me thinking in ways that I likely haven’t before.
Challenges are a fabulous way to help break through that slump. Sometimes we all need that extra push to think outside of the box and try new things.
Great post. For me, I go to #1 a lot when I’m feeling in a slump. Lately, though, I’ve been following that saying, “Everything old is new again.” I’ve gone back to paper scrapbooking for about a month and a half, backed off from my digital scrapbooking and digital CTs, and headed back up into that lonely old room upstairs that holds a ton of paper and pretty ribbons. 🙂 Being able to alternate between digital and paper scrapping as well as cardmaking helps me move to another creative activity instead of getting totally deadlocked.
Yes! It definitely helps to break up the routine. Trying out other artistic mediums is always a great help! Thanks for joining the conversation!